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SwapinCollect: Crypto-to-Fiat Business Transactions
SwapinCollect: Crypto-to-Fiat Business Transactions
Updated over a week ago

SwapinCollect enables businesses to accept cryptocurrencies, which are instantly converted into EUR and transferred to the merchant's bank account. This process eliminates the hassles and complexities associated with accounting, exchange rates, and compliance with regulations

SwapinCollect is a user-friendly payment platform designed for businesses to accept cryptocurrency payments and receive funds in EUR or GBP directly into their bank accounts. By creating a customizable SwapinCollect link, companies can access the growing market of 320 million crypto users without complex integrations. SwapinCollect facilitates seamless transactions with customers paying through a supported crypto wallet, where Swapin instantly exchanges funds, and businesses obtain the exact invoiced amount in their local currency.

Overview of SwapinCollect features:

  • Accept cryptocurrency payments from customers

  • Receive funds in EUR or GBP directly in your bank account

  • Simple, customizable SwapinCollect link for easy integration

  • 95% of payouts and transaction processing in approximately 5 minutes

Setting Up A SwapinCollect Account

To start accepting crypto payments with SwapinCollect, you'll need to complete the KYB verification process and set up your SwapinCollect link.

Setting up your SwapinCollect link

Once your business account is verified, you can set up your SwapinCollect link by providing your company's bank details and customizing the customer payments page with your logo. Once your account is verified through the KYB process, you can find your unique payment link by clicking “SwapinCollect” from the Swapin dashboard.

Provide your SwapinCollect link along with an invoice to your customers. The link will direct them to the payment page, where they can complete the transaction using their preferred cryptocurrency.

How to pay a merchant using SwapinCollect payment link?

When a customer receives an invoice and a SwapinCollect payment link, they must:

  • Open their crypto wallet and send the required amount to the Swapin address provided on the payment page.

  • From the provided link invoiced, customers can connect to the supported crypto wallet of choice.

  • Click on “Connect Wallet”. Customers can directly connect their MetaMask or Trust Wallet or use Wallet Connect to access the other supported wallets

Once Wallet is connected, customers can fill out the payment page with the following information:

  • Amount: In the amount box, customers fill in the payment amount per your business invoice

  • Pay With: Allows customers to choose which cryptocurrency to pay with

  • Payment Description: Customers can add a short description of the payment

  • Reference Number: Optional box for reference numbers provided to the customer by your business

The “Pay with” drop-down menu allows customers to choose from supported cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDC, and more.

The exchange rate is locked for 30 minutes, ensuring your company receives the exact invoiced amount in fiat currency. Swapin will then exchange the crypto and send the funds to your bank account.

The “Your info” prompts users to input their identifying information. As per legal requirements, Swapin must collect information about the payer for each transaction. This data is collected on the SwapinCollect transaction page. Before customers can complete the transaction, they must input identifying information for compliance purposes.

For a transaction from a personal account, users must input:

  • Contact Email

  • Full Name

  • Document Type: Customers can choose from a driver’s license, passport, identity card

  • Document Number

  • Date of Birth

  • Birth Country

  • Physical Address

For transactions operating from a business account, users must input:

  • Company Email

  • Company Name

  • Company Registration Number

  • Company Address

Transaction processing times and fees

Swapin provides payouts for 95% of transactions in under 5 minutes, meaning you'll quickly receive the funds in your bank account in EUR or GBP.

You can view a report of all SwapinCollect transactions in your account. The "Transaction History" section is in the top menu under the “All Transactions'' tab. This report includes detailed information on each transaction, such as the transaction date, payer details, amount, and status.

Fees for using SwapinCollect

SwapinCollect charges a small percentage fee per transaction. This fee is applied to the customer, ensuring that your business receives the total invoice. The exact fee percentage can be found on the Swapin website's pricing page.

SwapinCollect Features and Advantages

SwapinCollect offers a convenient and user-friendly payment solution for businesses, enabling them to accept cryptocurrency payments while receiving funds directly in EUR or GBP in their bank accounts. SwapinCollect simplifies the payment process, expands the customer base, and eliminates chargebacks. By leveraging SwapinCollect, businesses can harness the growing cryptocurrency market, reduce accounting issues associated with crypto volatility, and enjoy real-time payouts.

If you have any questions or need additional support, the Swapin team is always here to help. Feel free to contact our dedicated customer support through email at [email protected] - or if you’re looking to integrate SwapinCollect with your business, then contact [email protected] today.


SwapinCollect form accepts the following GET parameters to pre-fill payment fields.







Fiat sum of the payment




Fiat currency of the payment. Possible values EUR and GBP



Description/reference of the payment




1 for personal and 2 for business



Payer full name



Payer contact email



Payer registration number (only for business)



Payer residence address (Street and house, city, postal code, country)



1 for ID card, 2 for passport and 3 for driving license



Payer document number



Payer's date of birth (only for personal). Format YYYY-MM-DD



Payer birth country code in ISO 3166 Alpha-2




1 for locking provided values



If the predefined IBAN needs to be changed.



A signature is needed only if receiver_iban is used. Signature is calculated sha1(receiver_iban+"|"+secret). The secret will be provided by Swapin.

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